Thursday 2 August 2012

The Olympic flame burns brightly!

Well, it's hard to find time to blog during the Olympics - as if there's not enough work to do, in any case, there's also wall to wall Olympics - I love it.
It's been a great week - two days off up to London. The three day event show jumping in Greenwich Park on tuesday and in the Olympic Stadium tomorrow!

It struck me, whilst watching the medal ceremony, on tuesday (this is one of my 'I was there' photos), I had the mobile number of an Olympic medalist on my phone - more a friend of one of my children, than me, however.
Remember the five handshakes from anybody on the planet idea? Well, it means I must easily be that close for every single Olympic athlete, as you would be, if you stop and think about it. That's one reason why all the conversations about networking, movement, viral communication, social networking, etc. are so vital. It also means what people need most is a friend who knows Jesus.
Today, we had an Association Team Leaders day together. I drove back down the M5 with renewed hope for our Baptist futures. I suggested we re-ran the lighting of the Olympic flame at the next BU Assembly - great imagery and symbolism and we might even set something alight!

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