It's seems sensible to log here the following statement, which was circulated to our WEBA Ministers today as other people pop in here who will be interested. I'm extremely grateful to John at Milton and Amanda who heads up BUGB Communications - this is not all my own work!...
I would like to endorse the statement made by John Smith, the Senior Pastor of Milton Baptist Church, and the Minister of Caroline Petrie -
I also noted with interest the latest statement from North Somerset PCT which indicates that they have contacted Caroline Petrie with a view to her returning back to work soon. I welcome the PCT’s recognition that Caroline felt she was acting in the best interests of her patients as she is clearly a nurse and a Christian of integrity.
It has been a heartening experience to know that many within our WEBA Churches have galvanised people to pray for Caroline and her family, but also about the wider issues this case has raised. It has also been wonderful to receive messages of support from many people and different places including atheists and agnostics.
I am conscious that this issue has led to constructive discussion in many church based home groups as to the appropriate ways to live out our faith as whole life disciples and would encourage others to do the same.
In the light of this case I would encourage every Christian to consider in their own context how best to express their Christian commitment in the whole of life, through deeds, words and winsome lifestyle. We are called to 24/7 discipleship and our new WEBA logo now incorporates our strap-line ‘making a difference’ – for God and his kingdom.
Please continue to pray for Caroline herself - who now has to have conversations with her employers and decisions to make in the light of them. She will need wisdom and hopefully be able to make her own choices out of the glare of the publicity, which has been so prominent this week.
Please also continue to pray for her employers as their practices have been brought so dramatically into the public domain this last week. As Christians we can no longer assume special rights, or treatment, and need wisdom, courage and the fruit of the spirit to hallmark all we do.