Monday 16 January 2012

Beyond 400 - baptists imagining life after 400 years.

‘Beyond 400’ is a new website, starting tomorrow, which has been designed, as far as I understand it, to provide  a platform for raising some creative and innovative thinking concerning the future of baptist life in BUGB (primarily England & part of Wales).
The 'beyond 400 six' say: “We hope that prophetic hunches, helpful insights, and creative thinking will emerge as baptists imagine what might be next after 400 years in Britain”.
40 people (myself included) have been invited to write a short piece of no more than 700 words and the hope is it will help the developing conversation about the future. is the address you need!

Well, we certainly need to hear where the mission of God is leading us, so I hope this welcome initiative cultivates our imaginations and increases our capacities for engagement with God's future.

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