Thursday 19 December 2013

Nativity Factor

This is just great from The Nativity Factor ( ) If you're into short clips for Christmas services, you could do alot worse than this, which will open up people's minds for you to expound something more:

Personally my input to the public Christmas festivities is finished, for this year. I've thoroughly enjoyed engaging in an Advent series of three evenings at my local church. Had some great responses, a number of people took some of the steps I tried to encourage - of Hope (looking through Mary's eyes); of Faith (looking through Joseph's eyes); of Truth (looking through the Magi's eyes). It's made me think about next year and I've realised, again, how most churches waste the greatest opportunity of the year to take the good news of Jesus' birth out from their buildings and church services. I feel a need for a Chris Duffett conversation coming on, to get us galvanised into action.

Talking with my friend Aaron last night. He went on a walk with Lindsay Hamon, through Bedminster in Bristol, where we're re-planting the gospel after years of shrinkage. He told me of a real openness from people to talk about how they might receive God's love in their lives, prayed with several and linked up a number with local churches, following prayer, etc. 'Out there' people are more happy to talk and seek God than many of us give credit for.

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