Well, just had a fascinating two days at The Space in
Between – essentially a workshop aimed at regional and national denominational
leaders. For a starter, it brought together a fascinating blend of different
tribes – Baptist, Mennonite, Lutheran, Episcopalian, mainly. The two people, known to
those of us in the UK who read around the missional conversation, heading up
the days are Alan Roxburgh and Craig Van Gelder. It’s refreshing to engage with
people like these, who are undoubtedly impressive, but bring a humility and
openness, and a genuine sense of not knowing (and, therefore, not trying to
provide) all the answers. Alan I've known for a number of years, just met Craig, but worth the airfare for what you can't get from the books.
For me, operating in a regional Baptist context, I sense
an affirmation we're moving in the right direction – in terms of trying to nurturing teams of
people, who can cultivate collaboration, discernment in seeing where God is at
work and a willingness to take risks.
One observation on our North American brothers and sisters,
who are bemoaning their lack of finances and resources, is they will probably
have to see things get worse, before they get better – wealth becomes ‘baggage’
if it gets in the way of the mission of God. We began with dwelling in the
word, from Luke 10 and Jesus’ command ‘take no baggage’ is one, which is easier
to respond to when you have less to leave. Now whether my colleagues across the
UK are going to agree with me, or not, remains to be seen, as we can always use
more finances, but too much is a greater spiritual
issue than too little when it comes to money.
Special thanks to the TMN team for great hospitality and a delicious Texan steak.