Monday 22 September 2008

Baptists at Fashion week .... whatever next?

Well, my introduction to London Fashion week was an immensely enjoyable and interesting eye-opener. It was pretty much as I imagined in many ways and we enjoyed the announcement ‘and new brand…. RAJE’. Emily’s dresses seemed to go down well and it was really weird after the show to see our youngest with a line of journalists and cameramen waiting to ask questions. They didn’t get the overall no.1 prize, but came away with plenty of interest and are potentially looking at having their range produced and sold via an ethical fashion seller. Their show was followed by a party put on by the Ethical Fashion Forum which is a fascinating network of people really committed to the cause. Where are the Christians? It may be a presumption to assume there aren’t a load, but I suspect, most up-standing Christians would turn their noses up at engagement with the fashion industry. However, a glance around your average Church on a Sunday morning will soon reveal the influence of fashion, labels, brands, image – we’re not quite as un-involved as we think. Jesus had something to say about the extent we mis-place concern in things like clothes – and he also had something to say about justice (which surely  includes those who sew and manufacture for next to nothing). It’s a complicated and confused world, but we wont change much by dis-engagement. Meanwhile the not working properly mac saga continues - I'm using it at present, but the original presenting problem hasn't been solved yet, so the frustration mounts, the address book was lost and my awareness of how much I'm dependent on everything 'e' goes into another gear.... 

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