Monday, 8 June 2009

this weekend

a frenetic weekend! Most dads when they fetch their children home from Uni have a car full of stuff. We, of course, had two cars plus a horse box - including horse. I drove up to Liverpool friday evening, got up at 6am and returned home at 10.15pm. We stopped at Brand Hall so ben could compete at a one-day event en route - this was fine, except it wasn't fine (the weather that is) - it poured with rain, my feet were soaking wet and it was really windy too - after such a beautiful week as well. To cap it all when I returned the horse box to the owners (don't panic we don't own either box or horse) the car couldn't get the horse box up the drive tot heir farm (gravel, mud, front wheel drive). The owners were out and I'm stuck. All I could do was enlist the help of the nearest neighbour and we left the box along the lane with a note 'sorry' in their door. I have to say I was more than a bit bothered, but the next day they were great - what to me sounded like a disaster was clearly an everyday occurence. "Didn't Dinah tell you to use the other entrance -a cross the field which is on the flat - I'd never try a front wheel drive even on a good day up there." 
So frazzled, I went to Cirencester and then Corsham for preaching yesterday - two really good churches in so many ways and it was delight just to be with them. Now the e-mail has piled up again and looking at my diary I'm asking the same question I'm asking Ben - 'why is it you think you can do so much!"
I love those 'my perfect weekend' articles in the papers.

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