Sunday 10 April 2011

organising or networking?

Here's what I tried to put up yesterday, but couldn't remember how! Going back to Good News People: these are two slides I used to try and help us look at the need for Christians to be both in a supportive environment, which brings a certain accountability towards Christian values and practices. One represents what we tend to do when we operate from an invite them to us mindset, the other represents small missional communities, or groups, intentionally engaging others, but what do you see?


Porrohman said...

In the top one: locked in, closed off, us and them, inward looking.

The lower one: relational, diverse, encouraging, welcoming, reflecting a 'real world' way of relationship. Outward looking

Hope, Highbridge.

Unknown said...

Always glad to know someone's looking. What interests me is the fact there's no more red circles in either slide.

Unknown said...

Always glad to know someone's looking. What interests me is the fact there's no more red circles in either slide.

Porrohman said...

No more red circles but more relationships-connections. But less connections amongst the red circles...... good thing or bad thing....?

We had a deacons meeting last night and were talking about discipling, so I showed them this and we had a chat about it. "But less connections amongst the red circles...... good thing or bad thing....?" was one of the comments. The thought was we still need to maintain and strengthen those coneections while enabling equiping for networking. Then maybe more 'red circles come into being.
