Thursday 12 June 2008

the grass is not always greener on the other side....

A third of bishops believe that 50 per cent of the paid clergy in their diocese are unable to meet the challenges of the job. This finding emerged in a Ministry Division report leaked to the Sunday Telegraph. Following the news story, the Division quickly announced that one finding the Telegraph had missed was that 80 per cent of bishops were confident that newly ordained clergy ‘have the gifts and abilities’ needed. Despite this, it stressed there was sufficient evidence to state in bold ‘There is a problem’. To address the issue, the Church has begun an investigation into the motivations and personalities of ordination candidates and is considering reviewing its selection criteria and levels of pay.

I missed this item via the Bible Society 'Newswatch' I receive every Friday, but someone mentioned it to me yesterday. I'm not sure I dare ask what our Regional Team Leaders think regarding Baptists.   

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